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Beaverun Schedule



2011 Kart Practice and Rentals Schedule  

11.25      KP/R    10-5

11.26      KP/R    10-5

KP - Kart Practice only (no Supermoto or Oval karts)

KP/R - Kart Practice & Kart Rentals (alternating sessions)

Supermoto bikes have been running on Wednesday practice days primarily but are welcome on other days as well.

Rates are $20 for the first ten minute session and then $15 for each additional session that day. 

More information about the Rental Kart Leagues or Rental Kart Enduros can be found here: Rental Kart Racing Programs
To schedule a group outing please contact BeaveRun Karting or call 724.535.1000 x 312


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