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Beaverun Newsletter

Wilson Circuit Schedule

11.25      KP/R    10-5

11.26      KP/R    10-5

Please call for appointment to schedule private practice if the weather allows.  724.535.1000

KP/R - Kart Practice & Kart Rentals
KP- Kart Practice
Weekday Supermoto Practice available - call to confirm

Click for Full Kart Schedule



Karting Info

Important Documents for 2011:
BeaveRun Karting Forums:


BeaveRun Wire BRCKS Results & Points
Results from the BRCKS races and Championship Points are online. 
BeaveRun Wire Photos From BRCKS Races!
BRCKS Race Photos 

 Current Updates


BRCKS will utilize the Bridgestone

     YLC tire for TAG for 2011


upcoming events

Kart Rentals November : November 25, 2011
Kart Rentals Thanksgiving Weekend 10-5PM F & Sa..
Kart Practice November : November 25, 2011
Practice Thanksgiving weekend Fri-Sat 10-5.
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