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Beaverun Newsletter

Wilson Circuit Schedule

11.25      KP/R    10-5

11.26      KP/R    10-5

Please call for appointment to schedule private practice if the weather allows.  724.535.1000

KP/R - Kart Practice & Kart Rentals
KP- Kart Practice
Weekday Supermoto Practice available - call to confirm

Click for Full Kart Schedule


Schools & Shows

BeaveRun Karting School

When: By Appointment

Where: BeaveRun's Wilson Circuit

The BeaveRun Kart Racing School is held at the beginning of each season and is designed to help new racers to become familiar with the basic procedures of the BeaveRun karting program. The school is taught by instructors with years of experience as racers & coaches and boasts a ratio of one instructor per three students.

For the kart racers with some seat time under their belt, the traditional Racing Class offers more intense on track instruction as well as classroom time. This class is four hours in length and emphasizes more of the finer arts of kart racing including turn in points, braking, apex, exiting a turn and driving lines. On track sessions are punctuated by instruction from the coaches observing the students.

Classes are open to all experience levels, age groups and kart types. Racers will be grouped appropriately at the start of each class.

The Cost for the Racing Class is:

Price $165

With Own Kart

Price $265

With BeaveRun Rental Karts or Turn1 ProSports Clone Karts

Price $290

With Turn1 ProSports Birel Cadet karts for 8-12 year olds

Price $315

With Turn1 ProSports Yamaha or TAG Birel Karts

Please contact BeaveRun Karting or call 724.740.1200 to reserve your spot today!

BeaveRun Kart Show

When: Next Date TBA

Kart Show:  10 - 2

Test Drives:  2 - 6

Where: BeaveRun's Event Center and Wilson Circuit

If you have ever wondered what it takes to get started in the sport of karting, the annual BeaveRun Karting Open House & Kart Show is where you need to be!

Whether your interest involves introducing kids to the great youth karting programs or starting kart racing yourself, this program is designed to answer your questions. A combination of BeaveRun's staff along with seasoned kart racers, tuners and dealers will lead a presentation and question & answer session that will explain many of the questions new racers face:

  • Which classes are contested at BeaveRun?
  • What equipment/ tools are needed to start karting?
  • What safety gear is mandatory to run at BeaveRun?
  • Is there practice time available to prepare for racing?
  • Will there be karting schools or instructional opportunities?
  • How much does it cost to practice and race at BeaveRun?
  • Where can a new racer find karts, equipment and safety gear?

In addition to the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to meet several local karting dealers that support the BeaveRun Karting programs. These Dealers, as well as other BeaveRun racers, will have karts available to view from each class along with many new and used karts for sale.

At the conclusion of the Open House, there will be track time available for those potential racers in attendance weather pending. Dealers will have Kid Karts and Cadets available as well as full sized Junior and Senior class karts to try while BeaveRun's rental karts will also be available. The track will also be open should any of the new racers strike a deal with the sellers on hand to try equipment before buying.

Vendors interested in displaying at the Kart Show please contact BeaveRun Karting or call 724.740.1200

Cost is $10 at the gate.

Please RSVP to BeaveRun Karting to receive complimentary admission!


Weekend Instructional Sessions

When: TBA

New for 2010 will be Sunday afternoon Instructional Sessions designed for the racers or families that cannot attend weekday programs. These sessions will feature Kid Karting Seminars, Karting Test Drives and One-on-One Coaching. Programs will begin at 2:00 on the scheduled dates.

These Sunday sessions will be in addition to the regular weekday programs currently offered.

To schedule programs during these sessions please contact Turn1 ProSports or call 724.740.1200

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