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Wilson Circuit Schedule

11.25      KP/R    10-5

11.26      KP/R    10-5

Please call for appointment to schedule private practice if the weather allows.  724.535.1000

KP/R - Kart Practice & Kart Rentals
KP- Kart Practice
Weekday Supermoto Practice available - call to confirm

Click for Full Kart Schedule


Rules & Points
The complete BeaveRun Championship Karting Series rules can be found in the 2011Rule Book . Following are some brief facts about the classes, tires, fuel and more but it is the responsibility of the racer and/or the racers family or team to download and review the 2010 Rule Book and abide by the set rules. Under no circumstances will the text on this page be accepted as the final rules - all final decisions will be based on the 2011 Rule Book.
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