Safety Rules of BeaveRun Karting Center

BeaveRun Karting Center is very serious about safety issues at our events. Everyone who attends a BeaveRun Karting Center kart event is required to know and follow our safety rules, in addition to those listed in the current World Karting Association (WKA) tech manual. Anyone (member or guest; driver, official or spectator) who does not comply with BeaveRun Karting Center safety rules will not be allowed to participate. Safety rules are not optional and are non-negotiable. Please read, understand and abide by the safety rules outlined under the following headings:

Safety and Technical Inspection
Personal Safety Equipment Safety Requirements
Support Equipment Requirements
Kart Safety and Technical Requirements
Driver Checklist

Knowledge of Rules
It is the responsibility of all drivers, crewmembers and guests to know and follow the rules set forth by the BeaveRun Karting Center, in addition to those rules in the current World Karting Association (WKA) tech manual.

BeaveRun Karting Center Purpose
The purpose of BeaveRun Karting Center is to provide the track and infrastructure to run karts in a safe and responsible manner.

Event Director
The Event Director will be in charge of all activities for that event. The Event Director will select and assign areas of responsibility to BeaveRun Karting Center members during the event but retains the authority over these areas. Final Authority The Event Director will be the final authority for all technical and/or safety decisions.

Registration and Release Forms
Drivers, pit crew and flaggers/corner workers must register, sign a release form and have a wristband to gain access to the designated event area. Minimum age to register is five (5) years old. Those under 18 years of age must have a release form signed by a parent or guardian. Upon signing in you will be issued an event ticket for each participant. You can trade your event ticket for a wristband after attending the drivers' meeting and completing a track walk-through.

Safety and Technical Inspection
All karts must be inspected for safety by a BeaveRun Karting Center technical representative prior to entering the track. This activity is intended for racing type karts. In general, 'yard' or 'fun' karts will not pass the safety requirements. Inspection details are covered in the Safety and Technical Inspection Rules.

Drivers' Meeting and Track Walk-Through
All drivers, pit crew and flaggers/corner workers must attend the Drivers' Meeting and complete a Track Walk-Through prior to participating. If a participant misses the first Track Walk-Through he or she will have to wait for a later opportunity. Other Track Walk-Throughs will be conducted at approximately 1.

Drip Pans
Drip pans are required for each kart to prevent fuel; oil or other fluid spills on the asphalt. Use 'floor dry' to immediately absorb and clean up any spills.

Fire Extinguishers
Each Pit is required to have a minimum of one operable 1� pound dry powder fire extinguisher rated for use on type A, B and C fires. There must be at least one fire extinguisher for every two karts in a multi-kart pit. Carbon Dioxide type extinguishers are not acceptable.

Engine Testing in the Pits
All karts must have a driver in the seat with a foot on the brake prior to starting the engine. This rule specifically applies in the pits.

Alcohol and Drugs
There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs at, or prior to an event. Both alcohol and drug use is prohibited on BeaveRun Motorsports complex

For fire safety, smoking is not allowed in the pits or within 25 feet of a kart or fuel container.

Anyone using foul or abusive language, striking others, or other displays of un-sportsman-like conduct is subject to removal from the event and suspension from BeaveRun Karting Center. All suspensions will be documented and reviewed by the club membership.

No session will start until the corner flaggers are in position and ready. Minimum age for a flagger is 12 years old. Flaggers must be signed in as event participants (i.e., a properly filled out Release and Indemnity Agreement is on file) and have been issued a wristband.

Safe Driving
Karts MUST be driven in a safe manner at all times. Dangerous driving will not be tolerated. Repeated and/or deliberate bumping, nerfing or pushing, etc. will be considered Dangerous driving. If there are repeat problems the Event Director will tell the offending individual to leave. This action will be logged as a Safety issue and reviewed by the club.

Driver Capability and Kart Horsepower
Driver capability and kart horsepower will be closely monitored, and drivers should avoid karts that exceed typical course conditions and/or their current driving skills. The Event Director has the authority to prevent outright drivers of unknown or marginal skill (particularly children) from driving high-powered karts. An event director may also, at his or her sole discretion, remove a driver from a class of kart if the driver does not demonstrate the skill necessary to drive that class of kart safely.

First Time Drivers
First time drivers may be segregated to their own run group until they can demonstrate their driving ability to the satisfaction of the Event Director.

Novice Drivers
All novice drivers must have a black or white X on the back of their helmet. Drivers will be considered novice until they have participated in a minimum of three events, or more at the discretion of the Event Director.

No Driving in the Pits
Karts will not be driven in the pits. Karts will be pushed to and from the Start and Stop Boxes.

Entering the Track
Karts will enter the track only from the Start Box and only when given permission from the Head Flagger. The driver will raise one arm to signal other drivers as they enter the track and come up to speed.

Exiting the Track
Drivers exiting the track will signal other drivers by raising their arm prior to slowing. The driver will then exit the track and stop in the Stop Box. Once in the Stop Box the driver will stop the kart engine prior to exiting the kart and pushing the kart to the pits. Stalling or Dropping Out Any kart that stalls or drops out of a session must signal other drivers with a raised arm and pull well off the track to a safe location. If a kart stalls or spins on the track the driver should raise their arm and remain with the kart until the yellow flag is displayed and it is safe to exit and push the kart well off the track to a safe location.

Track Crossing
Do not cross the track during a session. In case of an accident do not enter the track until the red flag is displayed and all the running karts are stopped.

Post-Accident Inspection
Any kart involved in an accident will be required to stop for inspection by officials.


GREEN: Track is open and/or start the session.
RED: Raise your arm and come to a safe, complete stop where you are on the track. Shut of the engine and wait for instruction from the flaggers. The track is also closed to additional drivers. The red flag is shown in the event of a serious accident or when a car enters the track area.
YELLOW: Caution, there is a possible problem on the track. Slow down, raise your hand, and be alert for an accident. Do not pass in the danger area. If shown from all flagging stations slow down and stay single file.
CHECKER: Race is finished, complete your lap to the track exit.
BLACK: Continue safely around the track and proceed to the stop box. You are experiencing mechanical problems or need to discuss your driving with an official.
WHITE: One more lap.

The purpose of BeaveRun Karting Center Safety and Technical Inspection Rules is to ensure that karts and required safety equipment meet the minimum safety standards required for the safe conduct of BEAVERUN KARTING CENTER events.

Availability for Inspection
All karts and required safety equipment must be inspected by the BeaveRun Karting Center technical representative for compliance with these safety rules before being used in a BeaveRun Karting Center Event.

Final Authority
The Event Director and Tech Inspector will be the final authority for tech decisions. All safety issue rulings at an event will be logged for review.

'Yard' or 'Fun' Karts
This activity is intended for racing karts. In general, 'yard' or 'fun' karts will not pass these safety requirements.

Safety Issue Rulings
All safety issue rulings during an event will be logged for review

All drivers are required to have this minimum set of personal safety equipment.

All personal safety equipment, including, but not limited to, crash helmets, face shields, neck collars, gloves, jackets/pants, suits and the method for retaining long hair, are subject to technical inspection.

A new helmet standard became effective January 1, 2000. Helmets must now meet Snell 95 or newer standards. Approved helmets will be Snell M-95 and M2000 (motorcycle), Snell SA-95 and SA2000 (auto racing) and Snell K-98 (karting). Snell 90 no longer qualifies. When, due to the unavailability of children's' sizes, a child cannot be properly fit with a Snell 95 or newer approved helmet, children's helmets must meet Snell 70, Z-90 and/or S.H.C.A. standards. Children's helmets, if not Snell approved, are to be inspected and approved by a BEAVERUN KARTING CENTER tech.

Goggles and Face Shields
Face shields are mandatory. Personal safety glasses and/or prescription glasses are not acceptable substitutes.

Jackets and Pants
All drivers shall be required to wear jackets of heavyweight leather, heavyweight vinyl material or approved heavyweight abrasion resistant nylon material. When jackets are worn in lieu of one or two piece driving suits, full-length heavy weight blue jeans (denim) are the minimum requirement. Full-length pants made of heavyweight leather; heavyweight vinyl material or approved heavyweight abrasion resistant nylon materials are preferred. Sweat type pants are not acceptable.

Driving Suits
Abrasion resistant one or two piece driving suits made of heavyweight leather, heavyweight vinyl material or approved heavyweight abrasion resistant nylon material are preferable to a jacket and pants and are strongly encouraged.

Neck collars
Use of racing neck collars (rolls) is mandatory. Collars must include foam inserts.

Abrasion resistant gloves are required. Knit gloves are not allowed.

Long Hair
Long hair will be a safety tech item. Participant will have to demonstrate a satisfactory method for retaining their hair.

Drip Pans
Drip pans are required for each kart to ensure there is no fuel, oil or other fluid spills on the asphalt. They are to be used under the kart where drips or spills may occur.

Fire Extinguishers
Each Pit is required to have a minimum of one operable 1� pound dry powder fire extinguisher rated for use on type A, B and C fires. There must be at least one fire extinguisher for every two karts in a multi-kart pit. Carbon Dioxide type extinguishers are not acceptable.

All steering components must be cotter keyed or safety wired.

All brake components must be cotter keyed or safety wired. Brakes must be of hydraulic disc or drum type only. Scrub type brakes are not acceptable. Axle Nuts/Wheel Hubs Front and rear axle nuts and wheel hubs must be safety wired, cotter keyed, pinned, snap ringed or barry clipped.

All weights must be bolted on and cotter keyed or safety wired.

2-Cycle Engine Clutches
All 2-cycle engines with external clutches must have a third bearing support or other clutch containment made of metal material no less than 0.100 inch thick. At least one of the third bearing support bolts must be safety wired or cotter keyed.

Fairings and Panels
Fairings or side panels must not have sharp edges.

Driver Check List
Individual drivers have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that their kart is ready for use. Drivers are to check their Kart before strapping on their helmet! The following list is provided as the starting point for a more exhaustive check list that each driver should develop for inspecting their kart before driving:

Questions about any safety items or rules should be directed to John Evans (, BeaveRun Karting Center.

Back to BeaveRun Karting Center Overview

Days & Hours of Operation
Kart Rentals
BeaveRun Karting Race Club
Racing at BeaveRun-Schedule
Safety Rules of BeaveRun Karting Center
Karting Schools at BeaveRun
Karting Programs: Corporate and Arrive and Drive
Karting Sponsorships
What is Karting? Some Introductory Information about the Sport

© 2001 BeaveRun Motorsports Complex